Laser Hair Removal
Say goodbye to unwanted hair with gentle hair removal
A woman spends on average more than $10,000 and nearly two months of their lives managing unwanted hair. The woman who waxes once or twice a month will spend more than $23,000 dollars over the course of her lifetime. Gentle laser hair removal treatment is faster and more comfortable than the standard laser hair removal treatment. Even better, you'll see 80% permanent hair reduction in only 3 treatments.
How Candela gentlelase hair removal works...
The Gentlelase Hair Removal laser targets the hair follicle with intense laser light energy for thermal destruction to provide permanent hair reduction over the course of a few treatments. With fast treatment times, Gentle Hair Removal delivers a more comfortable patient experience through its distinctive Dynamic Cooling Device™. This cooling system sprays the skin before each laser pulse with a cooling burst of cryogen over the treatment area, providing a Cooling Protection Factor over 50% greater than contact or air cooling for optimal comfort!
Is gentlelase laser hair removal painful?
Some patients may feel slight discomfort, which has been compared to snapping a rubber band against the skin. This discomfort resolves quickly and is minimized by our patented Dynamic Cooling Device™. Be sure and talk this over with your practitioner.
How do I prepare for gentle laser hair removal?
For about six weeks prior to treatment, you should avoid plucking, electrolysis or waxing. On the day of your treatment, skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleansed of any makeup, creams, oils, topical anesthetics or self-tanning products. Apply sunblock (SPF 30 or above) before your treatment. Do not expose the treatment area to sunlight or tanning booth light prior to or immediately after treatment. If you have a history of herpes simplex virus, a prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed.
How long does treatment take?
Laser hair removal treatments range anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour to complete.
How many treatments will I need?
Multiple treatments (6-8) are required to achieve the full hair removal effect. The hairs on your body are not always at the same stage, so you’ll need to undergo a few treatments, an average of six to eight weeks apart, to catch them all in the growth stage.
What can I expect after treatment?
A cool compress or gel pack may be applied for additional comfort after your treatment. Any redness or swelling should resolve in a few hours. After your laser treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sunblock (SPF 30 or above). In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions.
Take the First Step – Request A Consultation
Simply request a consultation and one of our expert technicians at MWA will be available to answer all of your questions. If you know you're ready to book this service, please select Book This Service below.