Agnes RF
A mini-facelift that's quick, non-invasive and effective!
AGNES RF restores the youthful countours of your face without fillers or surgery
Shrink unwanted jowls
Tighten neck
Soften deep wrinkles
Tighten loose skin
Refine enlarged spores

As we age, pockets of fat become more prominent. Those fat deposits cause eye bags and sagging around the mouth and jawline. Our focused radio frequency (RF) technology allows us to safely target and shrink specific pockets of fat under the skin. The RF energy restores the skin's health and reduces wrinkles by stimulating the production of volumetric collagen and elastin.
Agnes RF is also good for acne. This treatment uses a technique called Selective Sebaceous Gland Destruction. The focused radio frequency (RF) safely targets and destroys the individual sebaceous glands that cause acne. Once the gland is destroyed, it will no longer cause acne.
As we age, pockets of fat become more prominent. Those fat deposits cause eye bags and sagging around the mouth and jawline. Our focused radio frequency (RF) technology allows us to safely target and shrink specific pockets of fat under the skin. The RF energy restores the skin's health and reduces wrinkles by stimulating the production of volumetric collagen and elastin.
Agnes RF is also good for acne. This treatment uses a technique called Selective Sebaceous Gland Destruction.
The focused radio frequency (RF) safely targets and destroys the individual sebaceous glands that cause acne. Once the gland is destroyed, it will no longer cause acne.